Disliked{quote} you can calculate how many people needed to lose the fees for that you can win, when they pay out around 20% of the earned fees inside props. so you are good.Ignored
Extreme gut feeling trader
Anyone trading with a Prop firm 6 replies
So I accepted a Prop Trading job in South Beach Miami 44 replies
prop firm new model - my trading journey 871 replies
Disliked{quote} you can calculate how many people needed to lose the fees for that you can win, when they pay out around 20% of the earned fees inside props. so you are good.Ignored
Disliked{quote} I’ll defer as well trading in whole like this someone loss is someone profitIgnored
Disliked{quote} thats what i was doing apart from my main accounts. I flip 1k to many many dollars in minimum period of time which is thrilling and entertaining for me. The best i did was 2k to 55k in 13 trading days. I did it not one or twice many many times here. Smart doesn’t mean nonsense risk instead controlled risk with alot of factors…. IN THE END SHARING MY EMOTIONS AND OPINIONS NOT A ADVICEIgnored
Disliked{quote} but why you do then prop, sounds like you waste time with this when you earn more in the other way? very bad opportunity cost by this on the end. and prop in general only useful for low opportunity cost people.Ignored
Disliked{quote} In my opinion they are kinda similar either 200k challenge account or 1k personal to flip…. In regards of PROBABILITIES HIGHER CHANCE TO SUCCEED WITH 200k account to achieve 10k or more than flipping 1k to 10k in minimum period of time……Ignored
Disliked{quote} but how many accounts get busted when going from 1k to 10k? because when not then increase depositing money and do slower for lets say 100k to 200k is not much more win in short time (in general should be by math)?Ignored
Disliked{quote} The process depends: a) On the firm and where you are going to receive the money b) Address where you want to receive the money, if you are using a self custody crypto address or an exchange like Coinbase or Binance c) The coin you chose (BTC, USDT, ETH, etc.)Ignored
Disliked{quote} Only 1k as logic is same like prop firm get the first payout and then purchase more with it if it blowsIgnored
Disliked{quote} Sorry to join in. But in both cases, once you need to spend them, you will have to change them in fiat anyway since there are very few businesses that accept cryptos as payments?Ignored
Disliked{quote} Sorry to join in. But in both cases, once you need to spend them, you will have to change them in fiat anyway since there are very few businesses that accept cryptos as payments?Ignored
DislikedGenerally speaking yes, you need to exchange crypto for fiat in an exchange like Binance, Coinbase, etc.Ignored
Disliked{quote} OR you can use a decentralized exchange / P2P such as "LocalCoinSwap". I am using it to withdraw crypto payments i receive on a regular base and never had any trouble with it. After the FTX crash the last person should have understood that the central exchanges are anything but secure. I also have an account with Binance for years, but I don't trust them either and they have often blocked/stopped payouts for the strangest reasons. If you want to remain anonymous, central exchanges are not an option anyway.Ignored
Disliked{quote} 1. SIMPLE TRY TO SCALP 10-20 pips with the trend 2. MOST IMPORTANT NOT TO RISK MORE THAN 1% per trade. 3. Strict discipline to follow above two rules. Yesterday trades… ONLY GOLD, GU & US30 {image} {image}Ignored
Disliked{quote} I must say your method is quite fascinating since it seems to me some other people here use similar methods kinda like Navk. When Ive done tests mainly on indices tho. Such methods would normally be very difficult with indices and I assume why some here avoid futures prop firms. Due to the volatility factor. But I can imagine on more directional instruments as I call it where the banks flush cash and then just ride the wave like GBP/USD and so on. I can imagine if one is good at detecting when that happens that method might work same as...Ignored
Disliked{quote} I tried P2P transactions before with Binance, both as a buyer and seller of crypto. If you are selling your crypto, you just select your country and you will find a list of buyers from your country. Then you send your bank details, the buyer sends the fiat currency to your local bank. Then you confirm with Binance that you have received the fiat/local currency equivalent, then they release the crypto to the buyer’s Binance acct/wallet.Ignored
Disliked{quote} I must say your method is quite fascinating since it seems to me some other people here use similar methods kinda like Navk. When Ive done tests mainly on indices tho. Such methods would normally be very difficult with indices and I assume why some here avoid futures prop firms. Due to the volatility factor. But I can imagine on more directional instruments as I call it where the banks flush cash and then just ride the wave like GBP/USD and so on. I can imagine if one is good at detecting when that happens that method might work same as...Ignored
Disliked{quote} I don't get it, what can be more directional then indices?I don't trade FX but in the past I was analyzing the charts to find the best trending instruments and indices were by far the best ones. FX not so much. Even some automated trend following strategies I used for back testing gave me best results with indices. When looking at FX pairs, I quickly rejected all GBP pairs (among some others) as those were the most chaotic ones with least trending. Seems like we must be using totally different TF's or I don't know. But you're...