Disliked{quote} Yes. i was smart educated idiot.Not sure of this blockchain also mean not any kind of hoarding!) to replace the financial institutions wich pulls the levers on money for the capitalism cycles not to degenerate in awful crisis... But it's hard for banks to acquire millions bitcoin
Then with limited supply it can't be used for crash. So we people hold 90% of bitcoin and when Big investors come ...
Big Investors and no political control can also mean potential monopolistic behaviour !
...and we will find ourselfs back into Middle Ages monopolistic Land Lords fastidiousness ...booooo!

Technically the role of the Central Banks is actually to keep the economy in check, not to steal people's money!

We, the people, we should fight against the corruption, not the system by all means!
If we kill political control, we risk to find ourselfs in a bigger shit

I think we use to see only the dark side of the current system ...because we've been hurt in our "childhood",
...maybe pop KPMG kicked ass hard sometime?

Or it might be lucrative for us to work for people with crypto plants and we don't need to bother about the moral principles?...

Anyhow, smart traders and people like you, me and many others here, will make it either way, I'm sure

Crypto forever!
