Honorable Bitcoin.
Yes, it is what it obviously sounds like, sort of an oxymoron!
Oh, but there's "honor" among crooks, right ?!? LOL
A cryptocurrency is immoral by definition. A fiscal paradise, a safe-deposit-box in the heaven of anonymity..
A cryptocurrency definitely supports corruption and crime by design !
With the blockchain, it's only the digital ownership traceable, if one bother to follow that spreadsheet.
But that sort of digital ownership itself doesn’t lead to anyone’s phisical or fiscal identity!
That blockchain ledger overloaded with encrypted files does not link with anyone's personal identity !
Everybody can see "the code" in the ledger but nobody knows what it represents in terms of person, amount, or location.
That doesn't mean transparency as they claim !
Cryptocurrency concept is rotten deep in its very heart from the very begining.
Since it's inception, bitcoin has been thought of as an anonymous way to move money, so the law enforcement can't track illicit earnings.
Also as a weapon against monetary policy. Because some finance geniuses live with the impression that the stability ultimately obtained on the backs of taxpayers with the help of monetary policy is not a good thing. Depression is. LOL
So the crypto cult plainly claim loud and clear in daylight like they want to tear apart the world's current order.
"Fuck the goverment" is the slogan!
Not to mention that huge amount of electricity wasted to keep this shit alive... you buy a coffee they waste electricity worth a couple of hundreds of dollars to build that block!
Unlike fiat, wild unreglemented crypto is pretty much untraceable. Fiat involves physical contact or leaves digital banking trace!
Crypto cuts the physical link with the criminals, also cuts any digital trace through the banking system !
In your wallet you can own millions in crypto without going to a bank or an exchange office. You can fkn skip The system!
No personal/fiscal identity, nor location. Awesome trick !
Crypto fades any link between the drug dealer and his crypto account in this virtual paradise !!
Street dealer or tax evader just puts the black money in the crypto "black box" and they simply disappear for the law enforcement !
Blockchain-money is like a safe-deposit-box for any crook because the personal identity just disappear !
Crypto it's a virtual bank in paradise for crooks ! The authors of genocides, dictators, dirty politicians included.
Easy to stack and you can use a wangler to spend...
If you hand me a bag with cash or use my bank account as a money mule to laundry your dirty money, maybe the police will sniff around and we'll get caught sooner or later. But if you "upload" your real money in this "crypto paradise", you need no laundry combination, no money mule, no middle party, just stash it and forget it.
Of course, the naive, investment banks, crooks, mental freaks, anti-system morons, anarchists will stay forever with the crypto.
And the more numerous they are, the more the banks will sniff the "opportunity". Banks and funds make good business on greedy crypto morons ...as they did in the past using those "subprime" morons.
History shows this plague - made of those obsessed delusional losers exploited by the crooks and tolerated by the society in the name of some twisted idea of "liberty" - never ends, but also never exceeded a minor percentage of the global population.
As long as crooks, losers and idiots will exist, bitcoin won't die. It will stay around as a residual dirt forever, ...but never as a real currency.
Yes, it is what it obviously sounds like, sort of an oxymoron!
Oh, but there's "honor" among crooks, right ?!? LOL
A cryptocurrency is immoral by definition. A fiscal paradise, a safe-deposit-box in the heaven of anonymity..
A cryptocurrency definitely supports corruption and crime by design !
With the blockchain, it's only the digital ownership traceable, if one bother to follow that spreadsheet.
But that sort of digital ownership itself doesn’t lead to anyone’s phisical or fiscal identity!
That blockchain ledger overloaded with encrypted files does not link with anyone's personal identity !
Everybody can see "the code" in the ledger but nobody knows what it represents in terms of person, amount, or location.
That doesn't mean transparency as they claim !
Cryptocurrency concept is rotten deep in its very heart from the very begining.
Since it's inception, bitcoin has been thought of as an anonymous way to move money, so the law enforcement can't track illicit earnings.
Also as a weapon against monetary policy. Because some finance geniuses live with the impression that the stability ultimately obtained on the backs of taxpayers with the help of monetary policy is not a good thing. Depression is. LOL
So the crypto cult plainly claim loud and clear in daylight like they want to tear apart the world's current order.
"Fuck the goverment" is the slogan!
Not to mention that huge amount of electricity wasted to keep this shit alive... you buy a coffee they waste electricity worth a couple of hundreds of dollars to build that block!
Unlike fiat, wild unreglemented crypto is pretty much untraceable. Fiat involves physical contact or leaves digital banking trace!
Crypto cuts the physical link with the criminals, also cuts any digital trace through the banking system !
In your wallet you can own millions in crypto without going to a bank or an exchange office. You can fkn skip The system!
No personal/fiscal identity, nor location. Awesome trick !
Crypto fades any link between the drug dealer and his crypto account in this virtual paradise !!
Street dealer or tax evader just puts the black money in the crypto "black box" and they simply disappear for the law enforcement !
Blockchain-money is like a safe-deposit-box for any crook because the personal identity just disappear !
Crypto it's a virtual bank in paradise for crooks ! The authors of genocides, dictators, dirty politicians included.
Easy to stack and you can use a wangler to spend...
If you hand me a bag with cash or use my bank account as a money mule to laundry your dirty money, maybe the police will sniff around and we'll get caught sooner or later. But if you "upload" your real money in this "crypto paradise", you need no laundry combination, no money mule, no middle party, just stash it and forget it.
Of course, the naive, investment banks, crooks, mental freaks, anti-system morons, anarchists will stay forever with the crypto.
And the more numerous they are, the more the banks will sniff the "opportunity". Banks and funds make good business on greedy crypto morons ...as they did in the past using those "subprime" morons.
History shows this plague - made of those obsessed delusional losers exploited by the crooks and tolerated by the society in the name of some twisted idea of "liberty" - never ends, but also never exceeded a minor percentage of the global population.
As long as crooks, losers and idiots will exist, bitcoin won't die. It will stay around as a residual dirt forever, ...but never as a real currency.