Hello all. It seems that the trading community as a whole is widely against using a 1:1 risk/reward ratio and constantly preaches to aim for at least a 2:1 ratio whether it be on forums, youtube videos, chat rooms etc. I recently started thinking why is this the case? I personally come from a blackjack card counting background. At the very best counters will get a 3% edge over the casino (win about 53% of the time). Sports bettors are considered amazing if they can hit at a 55% rate and are legendary if they can get 60%. There are plenty of people that made tons of money at these professions with a relatively small edge. From what I've seen in the trading community, if someone has a system or strategy that hits around 55-60% of the time at 1:1, the first comments usually say to increase the risk to reward ratio... do people not understand how amazing it would be to have a 5-10% edge like that??? Do people in the trading community just set unrealistic expectations like having a 3:1 risk to reward ratio and expect that to hit over 50% of the time?? I would love to hear your thoughts as to why this is the case.
- Joined Aug 2006 | Status: Member | 5,086 Posts
The Only Limit, is the One that you Set Yourself - Felix Baumgartner
- Joined Jul 2011 | Status: Member | 8,270 Posts
If you trade like me, you'll be homeless and broke within a week.
Texas-2-Step All Time Return: